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Who is responsible for increasing incidences against females
Manas Sharma
Rape and city has become the everyday news. The newspapers and the news channels might lose any other piece of news event, but these incidents of sexual assault are never a miss. The reason may be to increase the viewer rating, or the sale of the news magazine, but the reported incidences are the true happenings round the country. The cases are getting reported in huge numbers every day, and we should not forget the bitter truth that a lot many cases still go unreported. When we try to find the ways to check the number of incidences, we get into the analysis on the cause of these increasing incidences. We are undergoing the westernization of our culture which has inflicted almost every part of our country. In such a scenario, who should be held responsible for these increasing incidences – is that the boys or the girls?
    Mum !

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